Greg Storey
1 min readJul 4, 2016


Accessibility is important — right up there next the regular intake of oxygen. So when I came across this piece on “Unlabelled search fields” by Mr. Keith, I had to help spread the word.

Adam Silver is writing a book on forms — you may be familiar with his previous book on maintainable CSS. In a recent article (that for some reason isn’t on his blog), he looks at markup patterns for search forms and advocates that we should always use a label. I agree. But for some reason, we keep getting handed designs that show unlabelled search forms. And no, a placeholder is not a label.

Jeremy then goes through several examples of how design teams around hte world are working through this problem. I don’t want to spoil the conclusion, but safe-to-say, if you make digital things, you need to read this piece and share it out to your own network.



Greg Storey

Constant Observer. Occasional Writer. Operations Chief. People Coach. Design Enthusiast. Type Collector.